Ongaro & Company
P.O. Box 24209-00100
Nairobi - Kenya

Cell:0723111101, 0738700727
Telefax: +2540202711119
Argwings Kodhek Road/Jabavu Lane,
Jabavu House, 3rd Floor, Suite B
Advocates & Commisioner for Oaths
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Messrs Ongaro & Company Advocates advise on rights vested in creativity, commercial reputation and goodwill such as copyright, performance rights, patents, registered and unregistered designs, trademarks, passing off, plant breeder’s rights and trade libel.  We also assist clients to develop, protect, promote and enforce their intellectual property rights while focussing on the exploitation and use of intellectual property rights and the acquisition and use of information technology products and services. We also advise on registration of rights through regional and international organisations.

Messrs Ongaro & Company Advocates advise on acquisition of rights, licensing and technology transfer; joint ventures, research and development; supply and distribution agreements; and product launch, franchising, branding, product information andadvertising.